My big goals for 2015, continued

I've set some big picture goals for the year, and I decided I wanted to put them out there for a couple of reasons. First off, I think accountability is pretty cool. If I say these out loud, to you, my dear internet friends, then that means I'm committed. Someone will ask me if I'm following through at some point this year. And I'm instantly accountable to more than my just myself.

Second, I've been really inspired in the past by other friends who have either shared their goals with me in person or put them out into the world on their own blogs and social media accounts. I've been particularly inspired by Caylee, Lara and Elise over the last year, and the way each of those three women have put big and little goals out there for public consumption. So that's why I'm doing this. If you're putting yours out there, please let me know!

In case you missed it, please check out how I set goals and my first five goals for 2015. 

Okay, here we go with goals six through ten (in absolutely no particular order)...

Goal no. 6 / Seek wisdom, deepen my knowledge + understanding of issues of importance to me


Because I don't have all the answers. There were many times last year when I felt like I was just spinning my wheels. I wanted to be more productive, but struggled with direction. I wanted to be a better parent, but couldn't put my finger on what was missing. I wanted to be more patient with my loved ones, but I couldn't summon the strength to hold my tongue when I was exhausted.


More reading. Specifically, read twelve books (anything that strikes my fancy - fiction, non-fiction, business, biography, classic, religion, anything). I got a library card the week we arrived in Newport and have been devouring books. I don't imagine this will be a tough goal to meet this year, but it definitely requires me to spend less time watching Modern Family reruns and more time with my nose in my Kindle or a library book.

The second piece of this is one of my big challenges for the year. I'm attempting to read the Bible in a year. I've never done this and when my younger sister said she was going to do it, I fought the urge to join her (it just sounds like such a monumental goal to me), but realized I really wanted to go for it. More on that in the weeks to come, but in case you're curious, I'm using this plan.

Goal no. 7 / Set meaningful boundaries and adapt our family's routines to our current situation


 Our family really functions best when we have a plan. With Nick in grad school this year and me working from home, we have the flexibility to build routines that work for us, particularly since we're not beholden to The Flight Schedule for the first time in a decade! The boundaries piece is kind of new. Writing the blog (me) and being a student (Nick) means we could always be working. Like, all the time. I think our sanity would benefit from some boundaries when it comes to work, study and technology.


Continue incorporating routines that work for our family (evenings, mornings, school days, bedtime, etc). Schedule time for work and study during the afternoons (while the kids nap), so that both Nick and I get dedicated time each week when the other person takes the kids and we know we can do our thing. Set some realistic boundaries for technology that will benefit our family.

For January: no tech, work or phones from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. 

Goal no. 8 / Pursue creativity, put time into designing stuff + practicing creative skills


Simply put, I love this stuff. I want to intentionally spend more time being creative. I work in this field, and yet I'm not completing as many personal projects as I'd like. Additionally, I dipped my toe in some new creative skills last year that I'd like to pursue in more depth this year.


Take two e-courses over the next six months, which go into greater depth on a skill I'm interested in developing. Spend time on just one creative skill per month (more details to come on this one). Complete one personal creative project each month.

Goal no. 9 / Work hard, treat design like it's my job, not a hobby


Because my big dream is to build a creative business that will contribute something significant financially to my family.


Establish and work hard to meet financial goals on a monthly basis. Say YES to a few big, custom projects this year. I took a sabbatical from custom jobs after baby #2 arrived last March and I miss that part of my work. Continue creating original content for the blog. Refine and write down my business manifesto. Get new ready-made stationery products in the shop this year.

Goal no. 10 / Have fun!


There's so much negativity out there related to being a stay-at-home mom or a military spouse. And yes, those things can be hard. But I want to focus on having more fun this year, rather than getting discouraged by the details of daily living. 


This definitely relates more to a state of mind for me, to a change in attitude rather than circumstances. But I think there are things I enjoy that I don't spend enough time actually doing, like having friends over for dinner, playing with the kids, celebrating others, baking with Ben, going on weekend road trips with my family. I haven't nailed down what this will look like, specifically, but I have some ideas I'll share soon.

Thank you so much for reading! These have been long posts this week, and I have just loved and appreciated the feedback and high fives. You guys are awesome. It would be great to hear about your big plans for this year! Leave a link in the comments to a blog post you've written or just feel free to share a big goal. I'd love to be able to cheer you on this year.

Here's to a very happy twenty-fifteen!