Project Life | Hospital Bracelet Insert

I've never done traditional scrapbooking, but I chose to document my sons' first years with Project Life because the pocket-pages format allows me to include little pieces of memorabilia, which I can't physically include in, say, a photobook.

One way to highlight these special items is by using an insert. In this case, I wanted to include our hospital bracelets. I used our bracelets, my favorite adhesive, a piece of white card stock and a 6x12 page protector.

I started by kind of mapping out how I wanted to place the bracelets and getting a rough idea of the measurements so I could layout the text in Photoshop.

I printed text on both sides of a 6x12 inch piece of card stock using the same method I use to print on 3x4 cards and then ran a piece of adhesive on each bracelet. 

The front side has our three bracelets from the original hospital stay, when Owen was born.

On the back, I included my bracelets from the two hospital stays I had after Owen was born.

I'm including detailed journaling throughout Owen's baby album, so I didn't include much detail on the insert. But I kind of like how just a little bit of text looks.

The bracelets are pretty self-explanatory, as it is.

I love putting together photo books, but for a project like a baby album, I love having the actual memorabilia included, as opposed to just a photo of those objects.

Saving these special little artifacts can be really simple and beautiful - with minimal effort required.

Do you like to save these kinds of treasure? If so, what do you usually do with them?