My big goals for 2015

Yay for big goals in twenty-fifteen! Yesterday, I shared how using PowerSheets has impacted how I think about goal setting. I used to write a list of things I wanted to do in a year without giving much thought to why I wanted to accomplish those things. I found I wasn't following through, and this method just wasn't working for me. Last year, I set what I call "BIG" goals. Things like "put first things first" and "develop financial discipline" were on my list. This year, my goals are similarly grand. They're not meant to be "achieved" but be worked on throughout the year. They're my intentions for the coming months. 

For each goal, I answered the question "Why?" and the question "How?" The answers to "How?" are the nitty-gritty of my daily, weekly and monthly goals. I'm sharing all ten of my goals in two posts. Check back tomorrow for the second half and read on for the first five. These are in the order I initially wrote them down, which is pretty random.

Goal no. 1 / Take care of myself


Last year, my health proved to be a major problem. I struggled with ante-partum depression during my pregnancy. After baby #2 arrived, the depression disappeared but my physical health suffered. I had multiple infections, was on antibiotics for about two months, and had to be hospitalized twice. I spent about 36 hours in bed after moving to the east coast, completely exhausted and unable to eat, stay awake or function at all. Basically, I'd pushed myself to the brink in 2014 and it was really ugly. So this year, the first thing I wrote down on my list was this goal: take care of myself. 


The basics (which you're probably doing already, but which I struggle to do everyday): drink lots of water, rest, get at least seven hours of sleep (by being in bed before 11:00), eat breakfast and exercise. I'm starting small because this one is hard for me. I'm an athlete but I basically abandoned exercising last year, so I'm out of the habit. And food? It's not unusual for me to see the clock at noon and realize I'm light-headed because I haven't eaten all morning. It's not good.

I have more specific goals related to these things, but in January, I'm primarily focusing on getting enough food, water and sleep. Seriously. The basics.

Goal no. 2 / Cultivate joy in my marriage


We're celebrating our ten year anniversary in May, which seems like a pretty great excuse to focus on celebration and fun. Plus, both of our kids are sleeping through the night. Boom.


Plan an anniversary celebration (maybe a getaway?). Monthly dates, either out on the town or on our couch. For us, getting a babysitter AND going out to dinner are a stretch these days. Newport is expensive. So I envision getting take-out from a fancy local restaurant every once in a while and doing dinner on the couch after the kids go to bed. No clean-up and we can spend more dollars on great food, which we both love.

Goal no. 3 / Parent with purpose and vision


Because time is flying, Ben is growing up fast (and doing and saying things that we don't always love) and I want to be thoughtful about how we parent and discipline our kids. We haven't had to do a lot of this, but we're seeing Ben grow and change as he goes to school and takes in the world around him. It's all new to us, but when possible, we want to be intentional rather than reactionary in our approach to parenting. The "we" is Nick and me - we're doing this one together.


This one's tough to nail down. Be consistent with my expectations and discipline. When possible, set Ben up for success or adjust expectations (i.e. don't expect him to be at his best when his routine's disrupted or we're cooped up inside all day). Read a parenting book (haven't done that in years). Any suggestions on good titles? Be patient. He's just three.

Goal no. 4 / Celebrate others


Because I don't want my life to be all about me and I want to cheer on my friends, family and internet buddies in their endeavors. I'm terrible with birthdays and anniversaries and stuff, but I want to change that. 


Get friends' and family members' birthdays on the calendar and send cards. Be more proactive on social media so I know better what's happening with others (this is a tough one for me!). Make a call once a week to someone I don't usually talk to on the phone.

The Big Project

(more on this to come!). 

Goal no. 5 / Focus on contentment, embrace simplicity


Because lots of stuff (in my closet, my house, my calendar) stresses me out. I'm over feeling like I don't have "enough" when in reality I have way more than I need or use. I want this year to be about being content with what I have. Honestly, all you have to do is move after having two kids to realize you own way too much stuff.


Implement a capsule wardrobe for at least two seasons this year (and don't buy any new clothes during those months). Declutter (i.e. purge) each room in the house before we move again this fall. Make a habit of jotting down something great that happened each day.

The second half of my goals will be on the blog tomorrow, and on Thursday, I'll share how I break this down for the month. What about you? Do you have any big goals, resolutions or intentions for 2015?