workspace wednesday

I love getting a peek into where my internetty friends live and work, so I thought I'd share my take on the "Workspace Wednesday" posts I love reading over at Studio Calico's blog (also love reading them here and here). In our new house, I have my own office. It's little, but very bright and cheery. There's a really cool vintage chandelier hanging over my head, but during the day I have big windows on two sides. And as of a couple days ago, I actually have a functioning heater! Hooray! That's been very helpful mid-January. Brrrr.

Although I haven't really organized or decorated this space since we moved here a few months ago, I'm surrounded by things I love. My cameras, printer and Project Life supplies are all within reach. My collection of Kinfolk issues lives right next to my desk. My favorite photo styling props are all in this room, as are my favorite pens, stationery and stamps. The desk I use is actually Nick's old breakfast room table from his bachelor days. I painted it dove grey several years ago and have used it ever since as the primary backdrop for the photos on this blog and on my Instagram. My chair is a dining chair from Ikea, although I'm eyeing a proper chair for my desk as this one kind of bothers my back (loooove this one). 

I'd love to make this space more tidy, more beautiful, and more conducive to creativity. Since having an actual, dedicated workspace is something that's new to me (and so exciting!), I'll try to share photos and progress as I get organized and attempt to make it lovely. 

Where do you work? Do you have a closet like I used to? Or a kitchen table and an adjacent cabinet (been there too!)? Or do you have a dedicated workspace?